Cities connected by music: Design of A Music Space
Studio Instructors

Dr. Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu
Dr. Ahmet Erdem Tozoğlu received his B.A degree from Bilkent University in 2005 and his M.A degree 2007 from Middle East Technical University (METU) respectively. He received his PhD degree from METU Architectural History program in 2013. He has been working in Abdullah Gul University Faculty of Architecture since 2014. He was in the University of Chicago as a visiting researcher for post-doctoral research in 2018-19 academic year. He is the author of many national and international articles, book chapters and conference papers. He has been teaching first year design studios since 2008.

Dr. Vacide Betül Kurtuluş
Dr. Vacide Betül Kurtuluş received her B.F.A. degree from Bilkent University in 2007 and her M.A degree 2010 from Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) respectively. She received her PhD degree from Middle East Technical University (METU) Conservation of Cultural Heritage program in 2018. She has been working in Abdullah Gul University Faculty of Architecture since 2018. She is the author of national and international articles, book chapters and conference papers. She has been teaching first year design studios since 2018.

Nehir Gümüşlü
Nehir Gümüşlü received her B.A. degree from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Department of Architecture in 2011 and M.Sc. degree in the same university, Restoration program in 2014. She is about to complete her doctoral research in Middle East Technical University (METU), Graduate Program of Conservation of Cultural Heritage. She has been working in AGU Department of Architecture since 2016 and contributed to several activities, organizations and research projects. She is the author of several national or international articles and conference papers. She participated in design studios in every grade, architectural history and conservation courses. She has been assigned to first year design studios for 4 years.

Merve Pekdemir Başeğmez
Merve Pekdemir Başeğmez received her B.A. degree from Erciyes University in 2015, and has been working as a PhD researcher at Abdullah Gül University School of Architecture since 2017 and assisting first year design studios.

Ahmet Aslan
Ahmet Aslan received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from Bahçeşehir University in 2015 and received his Master of Architecture degree from Abdullah Gül University in 2020. He is currently proceeding to his PhD studies. He has been working as a research assistant in Abdullah Gül University since 2018. He took part in first and second year design studios since then.

Hale Nur Pinar
Hale Nur Pinar received her B.A. degree from Abdullah Gül University (AGU), Department of Architecture in 2018 and she is pursuing her doctoral studies in the same university, She has been working in AGU Department of Architecture since 2019 and assisting first year design studios and architectural history courses.